Lyonia Environmental Center in Deltona
Have you checked out the Lyonia Environmental Center yet? It is a great place to take the kids, especially if you go when there is a class to attend. The center was opened in October 2009 and is next door to the Deltona library. It is free to visit, so make sure you take advantage of this great place.
Along with having interactive exhibits that help teach about the environment, they also offer classes for people of all ages. The programs offered cover topics ranging from snakes, history, Native Americans, and a variety of others. Check out their current program schedule to see what classes are being offered. The classes are great for homeschoolers as well as others wanting to introduce their family to more about our environment.
The Lyonia Preserve is also located right out the back of the building. It is home to the beautiful blue scrub jay. You can take a nice hike out in the preserve and see some of the scrub habitat that is so important to the area. Here are some pictures of what to expect:
(a class on snakes, skinks and spiders)
(hiking trail in the preserve)
(a scrub jay out in the preserve, taken February 2013)
(post last updated on 5/26/20)