Back-to-School Information, Expo, and More!
Yes, the time is just around the corner! It seems like summer just started, but they will be heading back soon. Here's some info to keep in mind:
- If you a child who is (or about to turn) four years old, you are eligible for free VPK (voluntary pre-kindergarten). There will be a sign-up for this at the Back-to-School Expo at the Volusia Mall, or you can call the Early Learning Coalition and get signed up. It's a great preschool program for kids and you should take advantage of it.
- There will be a free Back-to-School Expo at the Volusia Mall, located in Daytona Beach, on Saturday, August 4, 2012. It will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The expo will feature information on after school care, youth sports, dance classes, fitness, and much more. There will also be a Sears building workshop held during that time on the 4th.
- Tax free back-to-school shopping this year is going to be August 3-5, 2012. This means you can save the sales tax on clothing under $75, and school supplies up to $15.
- Volusia County schools start back on August 20, 2012. However, meet the teacher days are the week before that. To find out when yours is (as it is different for elementary, middle, and high schools), go to the school district site here, find your school, and visit their home page for details.
There is still plenty of time before school starts for having some more summer fun. Be sure to check the events calendar on the left hand side of the page in order to see what activities are coming up.