Visiting the White Sands Buddhist Center in Mims, Florida
Last week my husband saw a story on the news about a huge Buddha statue that was being put up at a Buddhist Center in Mims, Florida. I quickly logged online to devel more and found that it is the White Sands Buddhist Center, located in Mims, Florida. Yesterday, on our way to Cape Canaveral for the day, we stopped by there to check it out.
Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a fan of all things Buddha. So it was a real treat to visit the White Sands Buddhist Center. It is only about a 30 minute drive from where I live in Port Orange. When we first arrived I was not sure we were at the right place, until I spotted a sign off the road that confirmed that I was. As we pulled down the beautiful tree-lined gravel driveway back to the center I loved seeing a few wonderful signs nailed to the trees. Then, there it was, in the open... a huge Buddha statue!
We got parked and began walking around the grounds. What a beautiful place! The statues are all fairly new there and the whole arrangement is just wonderful. There are several huge statues, benches with thought-provoking words on them all around a pond, and more. We loved it! A Zen Master came out and was so kind, offering to take family pictures of us.
The White Sands Buddhist Center does allow visitors to stop by and look around. It is a wonderful thing to do! My kids loved it, although they may have been more into it than others may be simply because I have a Buddha collection at home and try to explain to them some of the teachings of Buddha.
We will be going back to the center again. I'd love to take visitors, visit myself again, and I'd also love to take one of their one day retreats that are periodically offered. You can learn more about the White Sands Buddhist Center here. Here are some pictures from our stop by there yesterday: