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10 Work-at-Home Business Ideas

10 Work-at-Home Business Ideas
By Jacqueline Bodnar


There are entire books that have been written on home-based business ideas. Many books, in fact. Success
Check with your local library to see what books they have. You will find some that have hundreds of ideas in them. You can also do some searching around online in order to find some work at home business ideas.

Here are 10 work-at-home business ideas to consider:

  1. Childcare services. There are always people in need of good childcare. Offer childcare services in your home for a weekly fee. 
  2. Blogging. There are many “mommy bloggers” out there that earn money, as well as loads of free products. There are also people who do professional blogging for good salaries. Blog about a topic that interests you. Read my book “Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger,” for lots of information on how to make a living as a blogger.
  3. Couponing. There are people who make money each week from being an avid couponer. You can get many products for free from being a super couponer. Then you take those products and sell them.
  4. Virtual assistant. Do you have administrative skills? If so, you can offer them online. Set up a virtual assistant business, where you offer businesses assistance with typing and other administrative services. A good place to look for these jobs is Elance. You will also find jobs in graphic design, sales, IT and programming, finance, etc.
  5. Housecleaning. This is another service that people are always looking for. You can run the business from your home, but you will need to go to the homes or businesses of your clients in order to do the work.
  6. Pet services. Offer a petting service for when people go on vacation. All you would do is stop by their house for a pre-determined amount of time while they are gone. You would help ensure the pet is being cared for while they are away. Alternatively, you can have the pet stay in your home while they are away.
  7. Travel agent. This is a business you can run from home. Have a good Website and offer travel booking services.
  8. Social media specialist. Do you love to use Facebook and Twitter? Many businesses today are outsourcing their social media efforts. You can offer your social media management to businesses. You would take care of their social media efforts, including posting and interacting with their followers on behalf of the company.
  9. Online teacher or tutor. If you have a teaching degree, experience, or can tutor you can also offer those services from home and online. There are plenty of online education jobs available at HigherEdJobs.com.
  10. Coach or class services. Perhaps you have a skill that you can teach to others. This could be personal training, motivational, sewing classes, or whatever. Determine what you can teach to others.
  11. Make and sell something. Are you good at making something? Perhaps you have a great product that you can make and sell. This can be a food product or non-food product. It can be anything! With Florida’s cottage food laws you can have a food business right from home. You can sell your products to the community, as well as have an online store. There are many people who earn a living from having an eBay store. You can find all kinds of things to sell on there to earn money.

 This is just a drop in the bucket when it comes to the number of ideas that are out there. Get creative! What can you see yourself doing? There is a business that everyone can start from home. It’s just a matter of narrowing down what you want to do and then taking the steps to make it happen. Be sure to keep it all legal by following the proper channels in having a business license or fictitious firm name and tracking your expenses and income so that you can file yearly taxes. Read more on this topic here, here, and here.



Author bio:
Jacqueline Bodnar is a freelance writer that lives in Port Orange, Fla. and blogs at VolusiaCountyMoms.com. She is also he author of “Starting Your Career as a Professional Blogger,” and owner of Bodnar Ink.

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