Spruce Creek Basketball Camp for Boys and Girls
Pictures from the Sand Art Festival in New Smyrna Beach

New Smryna Beach Multi-Use Trail Opens for Walking, Biking, and Running

Yesterday I read this article here in the paper that said there was a new multi-use trail that opened up in New Smyrna Beach. The trail is literally 10 minutes from my house. There are multiple places you can pick up the trail, including where we did on Sugar Mill Drive, next to the cemetery. There is another location where you can park and pick up the trail, which is at West Pine Avenue. 

The trail access that is open now is two miles in length. So it will be a four mile trip if you drive and park there like we did. This morning we started our day using the trail. I rode my bike alongside my husband as he ran. 

There is a small parking lot, some benches, and a bike rack. The two mile long trail is paved and is wide enough for several people to be together across it at once. It can be used for biking, walking, jogging, etc. There are no motorized vehicles allowed on the trail. Eventually this two mile portion will be a part of what will be a 13-mile long trail. It's a nice trail that is surrounded by nature on both sides, as well as a few homes along the way. There is a bridge and lake that you cross, too. The trail runs along the power lines, which I forgive because I use electricity, too, and realize it must go somewhere. Adding the paved trail alongside it makes for a nice use of land that would otherwise not get used, but is now providing a great quality of life perk for the county.

If you are looking for a place to take a walk, run, or bike, check out this trail. There are a couple of spots where it meets a road and you have to cross, but it's a residential road that doesn't seem to have much traffic (we didn't see any vehicles on it when we crossed). The rest of the path is free of motor vehicle traffic.

This trail is located on Sugar Mill Drive, next to the Geiger Cemetery (which is at 435 Sugar Mill Drive).

- Jacqueline

Here are some pictures from the New Smryna Beach trail that has opened up this week:


Trails 292

Trails 290

Trails 299

Trails 298

Trails 285

Trails 284

Trails 296

Trails 288


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