Get Forked Friday: Sausage Stew Recipe
DeLand Strawberry Fest - March 12-13, 2016

Paved Bike Trail in Osteen in Volusia County

If you are looking for a good paved bike path option you may want to check out the one in Osteen. This paved bike path can be picked up around 415 and Doyle Roads. There is a yellow overpass that goes over the freeway (which is part of the bike trail). On the east side of that overpass bridge there is a parking lot where you can park and then pick up the bike trail.

When you go to the beginning of the bike trail overpass you can go one way, which will be 2.6 miles, or the other way, which is almost 6 miles and takes you to Green Springs. Keep in mind that these will be round trip to get back to your car, so double it to get the full distance. You can choose to ride it all or just a portion of it. You can even pack a backpack lunch and bike to Green Springs, eat lunch, and then head back to the parking lot.

This is a nice paved trail. There is one part that runs close to the traffic for a very short distance (on the 2.6 mile route). Other than that, it's a very pleasant trail. We even saw chickens, goats, and some other neat things along the way. Most areas do not have any traffic to worry about, other than other pedestrians and bikers. The overpass bridge is challenging going up, but a lot of fun going down. There are some benches and trash cans along the trail, too.

Eventually, this trail will continue in both directions and connect to others to create a massive paved bike trail in Volusia County. It's a great bike trail right now for those looking to get the family out on a nice ride together.

Here are some pictures of the paved bike trail in Osteen:









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