2017 Academic and Science Camps in Volusia County
Easter Egg Drop in Daytona Beach - April 15, 2017

2017 Volusia County Summer Camp Guide - Daytona Beach, Port Orange, New Smyrna, DeLand


Looking for summer camps in the Volusia County area? You are in luck! There are many summer camps in the area, including those in music, sports, city/county, religious-based, and more. The camps take place all around the county, including in Port Orange, Daytona Beach, Ormond Beach, DeLand, New Smyrna Beach, DeBary, and beyond. Browse through the camps and see the variety.

Pease contact the company offering the camp to inquire about it, and also check back to this page. As more camp information is received, the list will be continuously updated.

Have a camp you want listed? Here's the info!

Types of Camps Available in Volusia County:

Check back, as the camp lists will be updated as more register to be in it. 

Have a camp you want listed? Here's the info!

 Have a summer camp? Get a special rate to take the kids to Sky Zone!

Provide lunches to your campers through WT Cafe:


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