A Veterans Day Ceremony at Holly Hill City Hall
Beneath the Surface event in Ponce Inlet (2017)

Volusia County Moms turns 8 years old!

Established November 8  2009

The first post that was published on Volusia County Moms was published on November 8, 2009. Today, Volusia County Moms turns 8 years old! 

I had been thinking about the concept of Volusia County Moms for about two years before I actually put the wheels into motion to start creating the site. At the time, I was a parent of two little ones and found it difficult to find information on things there was to do with my children in the area. I hadn't been living in the county very long, but I knew there had to be things to do with the kids. As a writer, I already had my career set and my work time full, so I kept waiting for someone else to start a website where all of the local family friendly information would be posted. When I finally grew tired of waiting, I started taking a couple of hours per week to create and build Volusia County Moms myself. 

Over the last 8 years, Volusia County Moms has become the most popular family oriented resource in the county. Each month, there are over 40,000 people who log onto the site to get information, and over 20,000 who follow the Facebook page. The site is closing in on having 5,000 pages of content, making it a comprehensive local resource that offers a great deal of information. It is the place parents go to find local family friendly events, classes, camps, resources, businesses, reviews, and more. 

Over the last 8 years, Volusia County Moms has been a link in helping with many things in our community, including assisting charities with raising funds, getting donations, and promoting their cause. Events have included supply drives to help expecting moms, coat/clothing drives to help the homeless, and fundraising drives to help local animal shelters. It has helped people to get back their lost belongings, replace stolen items, identify people wanted for crimes, and get information out to the public about missing people in the area. Having contacts with news reporters, it has helped to get news attention for a variety of important stories. It has also been instrumental in helping to raise awareness about such things as beach cleanups, the fight to get elementary children daily recess, local volunteer opportunities, and ways that people can become more involved in helping to better the community. From job leads and business referrals to information on springs, and hiking  and biking trails, the website offers something for everyone and has helped or touched thousands of people in some way.

I am grateful to the loyal users of the site that continue to make it so popular. Without those who love and use Volusia County Moms regularly, it wouldn't be what it is and couldn't help do all it has done.  Volusia County Moms is a catalyst, and the people who follow it are the ones who make all the great things happen. I am also very grateful for the many advertisers that help to make Volusia County Moms possible.  I could not take the time away from my writing work to put all the hours into the site that it takes, without the support of the many advertisers that I have, especially Halifax Health, my home page advertisers, and those businesses listed in the Marketplace. Every businesses that advertises on Volusia County Moms plays an important role in helping to make the site possible for the community.

Thank you for a successful 8 years of being a part of this great community... here's to many more!

- Jacqueline

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