Celebrating my two year running anniversary!
It doesn't seem like it was long ago that I posted about my experience running my first 5K. And here I am today, celebrating my two year running anniversary! Woohoo!
I had wanted to be a runner for a long time. I even took a jogging class in my first semester of college. I did it throughout that semester, but once the cold Michigan winter arrived I gave it up. Then I tried the Couch to 5K program several times over the more recent years, never sticking with it (I'm not fan of the program). It was two years ago this week that my husband, who has been a runner for years, offered to train me to be a runner. I took him up on the offer and didn't even wait until January 1st to put it into action. We headed out for my first run two years ago today. I'm happy to say that I've been running every week since, typically running three days per week for the past two years. I've only missed one day during 2017, and that was because a dog came after me while bike riding and I hurt my foot. Otherwise, I am diligent in holding myself accountable to get out there and run three times per week.
Becoming a runner has quite honestly been life changing for me. Over the last two years I have run 801 miles. I have also gradually dropped 40 pounds in that time. I have went from a 15-minute mile pace when I first started, to now running in the 11's, with my fastest miles in the 10's. I went from working my way up to being able to run three miles straight (took me 6 weeks of training), to now feeling like three miles is easy. I have challenged myself with runs that have elevations or with longer distances and I have found that I've become stronger and can take them on and succeed.
I love being a runner! I have a wonderful exercise program that I can do pretty much anywhere (we even do it while on vacation or when camping). I do the running in addition to biking, swimming, hiking, etc. And a couple of months ago I started working out doing strength training exercises with my husband at home. The running has made me feel healthier and has motivated me to do more, such as adding in the strength training.
Here's to two great years of running... I'm looking forward to many more! See my Garmin running stats below of what I did over the last two years...