Book review: North by Scott Jurek @scottjurek
Scott Jurek is a vegan ultrarunner who is also the author of Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness. In his latest book, North: Finding My Way While Running the Appalachian Trail
, he shares his experience on what it took to set a speed record for completing the Appalachian Trail. He is a dedicated vegan who was taking in 7,000 calories per day, and even that was not enough to sustain him because he was burning so many calories. It was great to see the support of not only his friends, but also his fans, and people in the vegan community would see where he was on the trail and deliver vegan food to him.
I really enjoyed reading this book. As a runner and avid hiker, I found his experience to be interesting and it kept me turning page after page. It was incredible what he went through to get that record and how humble he is about sharing the experience of how so many people helped him along the way. It's truly inspirational and a great example of what team effort and determination look like. At first I wasn't sure I was going to like Jenny (his wife) giving input, but I found myself really enjoying her take at the end of each chapter. My only suggested change is that the editor should have caught it when he referred to snakes and spiders as being poisonous, because they are actually venomous, not poisonous.
Whether you are a runner, hiker, vegan, or someone who can appreciate a person pushing past incredible challenges to achieve their goals. This is a great book that was well worth reading!
- Jacqueline