Summer camp at Dream City Academy in Ormond Beach
National Taffy Day & 70th Anniversary Celebration at Zeno's Taffy Factory

Dark chocolate for Mother's Day? Yes, thank you!


Yesterday was Mother's Day. My husband surprised me with a great gift pack that I love. Did I mention that I love it? I do!

I love dark chocolate, and my husband gave me lots of it for Mother's Day. My dark chocolate gift pack includes my favorite chocolates and a new electra bike bell that has a picture of tree rings on it (my other one broke when the wind knocked by bike over). I love it all! They are my favorite dark chocolates, which include:

He bought me a case (12 bars) of all three kinds, and two bags of the peanut butter cups. Score! I have a hiding spot in my office where I keep this stuff. Every afternoon I like to have one small piece of dark chocolate. This will last me months. I'm so excited. One of my favorite Mother's Day gifts ever!

Here's some good news for those who enjoy dark chocolate as I do. It's actually good for you! According to the Harvard School of Public Health, dark chocolate helps protect the heart, lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow, and more. Of course, you need to keep it to a small amount so that you get the benefits and don't pack on the weight from the excess calories. But if you eat a little bit in moderation you can feel good knowing it's actually good for you and tastes great!

 - Jacqueline

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