Take your kids and their report card to Krispy Kreme
Did your child get any A's on their report card? Did you know it can earn them free doughnuts at Krispy Kreme? They have an ongoing program where you can stop by your local Krispy Kreme location and have your child show their report card. They will receive a free doughnut for every "A" they have, up to six in all.
Once your child orders the doughnuts you will show the report card, where they will initial it by the grade, showing that a doughnut was received for that grade. It's just that simple! You can do this every time your child gets their report card. Just one more incentive for getting A's!
Locally, there is a Krispy Kreme that participates located at 980 W. International Speedway Blvd. in Daytona Beach. Enjoy!