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Volusia County 2020 Census Information

Youth Soccer Programs in Volusia County


Looking forth youth soccer programs in Volusia County? Here is a list of youth soccer programs in Port Orange, Ormond Beach, Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach, DeLand, and beyond. There are youth soccer programs that are run through city recreation departments, the YMCA, and there club soccer organizations in the area. Check out each one to see which is the best fit for your child, as each will vary in the type of program, costs, location, coaches, and level of involvement that is required.

There are several club soccer (or travel soccer) teams in the county. Club soccer costs more than programs offered through the YMCA and city recreation departments, but they provide an option for the more serious soccer player. They require more time, travel, and cost more.

Contact the youth soccer program to inquire about when the next season tryouts are and when the next soccer season begins.

Youth Soccer Programs in Volusia County

East Volusia Youth Soccer Programs:

Edgewater YMCA - The Southeast Volusia YMCA offers a youth recreational soccer program for ages 3 and up.

Edgewater - They city offers a youth recreational soccer program that starts at age 3.

Holly Hill YMCA - They offer a youth recreational soccer program for ages 3 and up.

New Smyrna Beach - The Southeast Volusia Soccer Club offers youth travel/club soccer. The city also offers a community soccer program through them as well, starting at ages 3 and up.

Ormond Beach - The Ormond Beach Soccer Club offers a soccer skills training program and travel soccer team. The city also offers a community soccer program through them.

Ormond Beach YMCA - They offer a Little Kickers soccer program for kids ages 2-4, and a recreational program for kids 3 and up.

Port Orange - They city recreational department offers youth soccer for ages 4 and up.

Port Orange Soccer Club - They offer club/travel soccer for ages 5 and up.

Port Orange YMCA - They offer a youth recreational soccer program from ages 3 and up.

South Daytona - The city offers a recreational youth program for ages 4 and up.


West Volusia Youth Soccer Programs:

DeBary - The city offers a recreational soccer program for ages 6 and up, and soccer clinics for ages 3-5.

DeLand YMCA - They offer a youth recreational soccer program for ages 3 and up.

DeLand - The Stetson FA Youth Soccer Club offers a travel/club league for kids pre-K through the 12th grade.

DeLand - The city offers a youth soccer program for those ages 4-12.

Deltona - The Four Townes YMCA offers a youth recreational soccer program for ages 3 and up.

Deltona - The Deltona Soccer Club offers junior, senior, and competitive travel soccer programs. The junior program begins at age 4, the senior academy begins at age 7, and the competitive travel begins at U9.


More information on local youth soccer will be added as the information becomes available. This page offers youth soccer information for Ormond Beach, Port Orange, Daytona Beach, New Smyrna Beach, DeLand, Deltona, and surrounding areas. See soccer reviews from a local club soccer player.

Page last updated: October 28, 2019



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