Dr. Says Online Doctor Visit Review
I've been interested in trying out an online doctor visit for a while now. Online doctor visits, also sometimes referred to as ecare, telemedicine, or telehealth, among other names, allows you to have a doctor visit right from your home. You schedule the appointment and you have a video chat with the doctor. Granted, not every kind of condition will be fitting for an online doctor visit, so it really depends on the problem you are experiencing.
For me, I've had a rash for a over a week that I wanted to get evaluated. I didn't want to spend money going to a walk-in doctor for it. The last time I did that with my daughter it lead to a couple of appointments and skin tests, and the bill ended up being just over $1,000. And we never did find out what it was! So I decided to go with an online doctor visit. There are numerous ones to choose from, but a friend recommended one she had used before, so I choose that one. I ended up using DrSays for the online appointment, which was $35.
I have never used any online doctor visit before, but I jumped right in. You need a way to have a video chat, so you can use your phone, tablet, or computer (if it has a webcam on it). From my phone, I created an account on their site. You provide them with some basic information about yourself. Then I scheduled an appointment (for about 40 minutes later, although they were available almost immediately). To schedule the appointment I gave them some details about what I was experiencing and I uploaded a few pictures of the rash. Then I downloaded the free app that is used to be able to conduct the video call.
A few minutes before my scheduled appointment time I logged onto the site where I had left off after scheduling it (I had left the screen up on my phone). There was a blue button link that was a invitation to start the video call. I clicked on that and it brought up the program I had downloaded for hosting the call. Within a few minutes the doctor came on and we were connected. It was great!
The doctor was able to look at the rash from the phone and pictures, and we were able to discuss it just as if we were in the same room. She took the time to answer my questions, and she prescribed me a medication for it. The prescription was ready at the pharmacy of my choice within about 30 minutes.
I have to say that I love the idea of the online doctor visits! I love it! It saves time, it saves a lot of money, and it's much more convenient. The mission was accomplished in getting it looked at by a professional without ever having to leave my home. And it was about a third of what I would have paid to go to a local walk-in clinic or doctor's office to have it looked at. I don't have health insurance, so this is a great option for me. However, this service can be used with insurance, too.
Dr. Says also offers labs if you need them, and the prices for them were reasonable. They would give you the lab order and you go to a local lab to have the blood drawn. While not everything is suited for an online doctor visit, such things as rashes, common illnesses, minor illnesses, etc., can be evaluated this way.
Two thumbs up for Dr. Says and for online doctor visits all together. They are a great way to make getting the professional medical advice we need convenient and affordable. We'll certainly use the service again in the future!
- Jacqueline