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Volusia County Back-to-School Guide 2020-2021

2020-2021 back-to-school guide

This year things will be a bit different when it comes to going back to school! Due to the pandemic, there are different options, rules, and various things going on. This Back-to-School Guide aims to be a helpful resource, with links to all the information in one place. This list is a work in progress and more items will be added as the information becomes available.

School Choice Information:

Families have the following basic options when it comes to their child's schooling:

  • Volusia County Schools brick and mortar (on campus learning)
  • Volusia Live (live stream classes from home through Volusia County Schools)
  • Volusia Online (virtual school through Volusia County Schools)
  • Florida Virtual School
  • Private or Charter School (see some options below)
  • Homeschool or Unschool

For the local public schools, their options begin on August 31, 2020. Private and charter schools may have other start dates. 

School Related Information:

Private Schools Programs:

Backpack Giveaways:

After School and Enrichment Programs:

Additional helpful information:


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