My book picks for 2021
Each year, at the end of the year, I post what are my favorite books that I read throughout the year. With it being December 31, it's time for me to post my book picks for 2021. Below, I share my top five book picks out of all the books that I read during 2021.
This book is what lit a fire under me to learn everything about the microbiome and having a healthy one. It literally changed my life, because I took steps to follow the information and it inspired me to then spend additional countless hours learning about healing/improving the gut microbiome. Powerful information that everyone needs in order to live a healthier life.
I had checked this book out of the library and loved it so much that after I finished reading it I ordered a copy. It's a book I wanted in the home so that I can refer back to and recommend it to others. I have since gotten Kayla and Brian read it, and they also liked it. Great book!
This is a good short book about moving past old habits and fears. It looks at recognizing patterns so you can address them. It's an uplifting book that offers information you can use in your life.
Natalie Goldberg is one of my favorite authors, so when she came out with this new book I didn't hesitate to read it. I loved it! It's a book about haiku. Along the way, you learn about the history of it, famous haiku writers, and more. It inspires you to write some haiku, too. Natalie's books never disappoint, I love her!
This is the true story about Alice Johnson, a woman who was sentenced to life in prison for a non-violent drug offense. After serving 20 years, Kim Kardashian convinced Trump to get her out of prison. It's an interesting memoir about this woman's life and journey to prison, as well as back to freedom.
Those are my top picks for the year! No fiction, because I'm primarily a non-fiction reader. This year, I didn't get to read as many books as I typically do, because I made a goal to read the entire King James version of the Bible. That's a big book that takes a lot of time to read cover to cover. I wanted to read it because it's the most popular book in the world. I set out on a mission to do it, no matter how long it took to complete. It took a lot of my time, because I read daily, and would do additional research about what I read. Combined, a lot of time went into reading that version of the Bible, as well as conducting the additional research outside of the book.
Happy reading!
- Jacqueline