Seminole Wekiwa Bike Trail
If you are looking for a great paved bike trail in Seminole County, check out the Seminole Wekiwa Bike Trail. This paved bike trail in Seminole County is close enough for those in Orange County and Volusia County to also enjoy the trail. Load the bikes up on the car, grab some water, and head out for a nice family bike ride!
The Seminole Wekiwa Trail is a paved trail that people use to bike, walk, and run on. The trail goes for 16.8 miles, with the final half a mile being off the paved surface. The last little bit of it goes through a wooded area that is not paved (you can still do fine riding your bike on it, but it's a little more challenging than being on the paved trail). The Seminole Wekiwa Trail offers several places where you can park to get on the trail. We have taken our bikes a couple of times when my son has soccer practice at the Seminole Soccer Complex. While he's at soccer practice, we unload the bikes and hit the trail for a while. There is an official trail parking lot close to the soccer complex, too.
The trail goes for nearly 17 miles, so the scenery changes along the way. Some of the time it's shaded and has a lot of nature to look at, and at other times it's going through the city and you have to keep an eye out for vehicles and traffic lights. It's a nice trail to take, especially if you stick to the areas where you are viewing more nature. So it all depends on how long of a ride you want to take. In the map picture above you will see the trail shown in pink.
Here are some of the places you can park and pick up the Seminole Wekiwa Trail:
San Sebastian Trailhead - There are also picnic tables and a water fountain at this location.
Seminole County Softball Complex - This location has sports fields, and offers parking and restrooms.
Jones Trailhead - Markham Woods Road (at Long Pond) Longwood, FL - There is parking and a water fountain.
Markham Trailhead (this is the one close to the Seminole Soccer Complex) - There is parking, restrooms, and a water fountain.
There are many great paved bike trails in the Voluisa County area, and the Seminole Wekiwa Trail is not far away if you want to check it out!