2024 Spring Baseball Registration for South Daytona
Spring Baseball Registration is now open until January 26th or until all spots are filled! This is a coed recreational league with an emphasis on developing the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, courage and a sense of belonging. Children new to the sport are welcome. Every child will be encouraged to play and have fun doing it! Season will run from 2/12-5/3.
The skills assessments:
Pitching Machine (7-8) | January 19th at 5pm
Minors (9-10) | January 19th at 6am
Majors (11-13) | January 19th at 7pm

Sign up online at https://cityofsouthdaytonafltylerweb.tylerhost.net/.../Home
If you have any trouble call us at (386) 322-3070.