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2024 South Daytona Summer Soccer Registration


Summer Soccer Registration is now open! We will fill up, be sure to register as soon as possible. South Daytona residents receive a $15 discount.
⚽ This is a coed recreational league with an emphasis on developing the ideals of good sportsmanship, honesty, courage and a sense of belonging. Children new to the sport are welcome. Every child will be encouraged to play and have fun doing it!
⚽ To encourage kids to finish what they start; no refunds will be given. Jerseys are included in registration cost. Players will need to provide black shorts, socks, cleats and shin guards.
⚽ Registrations after 4:00pm Friday, April 26th will result in a $20 late fee.
⚽Practices & Games will be twice a week Monday-Friday at either 5:30pm or 6:30pm. Practices run 5/13-5/31. Games run 6/3/24-7/19/24.
⚽ Register online here.
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