Why are you no longer posting questions to the Facebook page?
Questions were anonymously posted for people for around 7.5 years. When questions were first being posted there were 1,000 followers to the page. Over the years, the page has grown to having over 30,000 followers (and it often reaches 100,000 people per week). Along with the growth of the number of followers to the page, the number of questions received each week has skyrocketed. Many questions sent in are repetitive, can be answered with a quick google search, can be answered by visiting this website, or are simply seeking to promote a business or give a poor review of a business. There are many different reasons why questions will no longer be posted, but the most important one is that it has become far too time consuming. What is now posted to the VCM Facebook is everything that is posted to this website, local event info, links to parenting articles, etc.
How do I submit information about a local event?
Event information can be emailed in for consideration. VCM receives a lot of information each week, so not everything received is posted. What is posted is carefully selected to meet the VCM criteria. If you would like to ensure your event is posted and gets premium exposure, you can pay for that service here.
Where do I find information on things to do in this county with the kids?
VCM goes to great lengths to keep the site populated with information on things to do with kids. In fact, it was the reason the site was started back in 2009. Always check the family friendly events calendar, the Marketplace (which is local business directory), and the guide on fun family things to do in Volusia County. Be sure to also check out the ads on the site, as many of them are for fun opportunities that you may be interested in checking out. There are also periodic guides published covering summer camps, winter camps, and more. Those can usually be found linked on the main page and on the events calendar.
Where can I find an OB/GYN, primary care doctor, pediatrician, counselor, or other medical specialist?
Please check the expectant mother's guide, the health section of the Marketplace.
How can I get free assistance for housing, food, health, dental, legal, etc.?
There are many services available around Volusia County. You can find a list of helpful resources here to meet your needs.
Where can I find information about moving to Volusia County?
Volusia County Moms has a local relocation guide that you may find helpful.
I have something I'd like to sell, where can I post it?
You can find a list of local selling sites here.
How can I keep up on what is posted each week on Volusia County Moms?
You can sign up to get the weekly email newsletter.
Where can I find info on this, that, or the other?
The Volusia County Moms site has over 5,200 pages on it! You will find lots of information on the site. Even if it's an expired event, it can still serve a purpose of providing you with info to go forward with (contact the company for when the next one is). All you have to do is search the site for what you are looking for. Search the site here (enter your keywords into the small search box at the top of the screen and it will search the VCM site). This site has everything from info on paved biked trails to hiking trails, springs to snorkel at, parks, mommy & me classes, and much more. One quick search of the site should yield helpful results. Give it a try!
How can I go about advertising on VCM?
You can find advertising information here. You will find advertising options, demographics, and more.
When was VCM started, who runs it, etc.?
You can learn about Volusia County Moms, and the person who owns it (Jacqueline Bodnar), here.
How do I contact VCM?
If it's not a question that can be answered on this page, and you realize that it won't be posted on the VCM Facebook page, email it to Volusia County Moms here.
The Volusia County Moms website is the most comprehensive family oriented site in the county, offering information on many things. Each month it is used by tens of thousands of people. Please visit it regularly to find the information you are looking for on events, activities, local family oriented businesses, and more!